Reasons to use Marasco Mediation

Reasons to use Marasco Mediation

We are dedicated to resolution, not going through the motions. 

Most mediators spend little to no time with the attorneys or the parties in advance of the mediation.  At Marasco Mediation, we spend approximately 7 hours with the attorneys and parties before the mediation even begins, and there is no extra cost for that time.  That dedication is built into our competitive flat fee prices because we actually are working toward a resolution and not just going through the motions. 

The pre-mediation meetings allow us to effectively assist resolution in a variety of ways.  For example, meeting in advance without the time pressures of the mediation session:

1.      We are able to discuss the case separately with each side and their attorneys in detail.

2.      We are able to ascertain the hidden issues and examine both those and the asserted issues.

3.      We are able to pressure test the parties’ positions and desired outcomes without interruption.

4.      We are able to better explore options for resolution.

5.      And, of course, we are able to build better rapport to create a sound foundation for mediation.

Most mediators try to accomplish the above during the mediation session itself, which provides insufficient time and prevents an effective mediation itself.

Additionally, this process is designed not only to better result in resolutions, but also to avoid the common mistakes that mediators often make.  (See previous post from April 17, 2023, explaining those mistakes.) 

Lastly, and importantly, dedicating the time in advance to meet with the attorneys and parties in the above-described fashion makes mediation with Marasco Mediation an even more cost-effective option than mediation typically is.  This is accomplished because the flat fee options with Marasco Mediation are already on par with or less than what other mediators charge while providing not only far more services, but also more effective services.


Tips for picking the right mediator


Mediation Mistakes