10 reasons to use mediation

1. Confidentiality: Mediation is a confidential process that allows parties to discuss their issues and concerns in a private and safe environment.

2. Cost-effective: Mediation is generally less expensive than going to court or hiring lawyers, making it a more affordable option for resolving disputes.

3. Non-adversarial: Mediation is a collaborative process in which the parties work together to find a mutually agreeable solution, rather than battling it out in court.

4. Flexibility: Mediation allows parties to design their own solutions, which can be more creative and tailored to their specific needs than those imposed by a court.

5. Control: In mediation, the parties have more control over the outcome than they would in court, where a judge or jury makes the final decision.

6. Time-saving: Mediation is generally faster than going to court, which can be a lengthy process that can drag on for months or even years.

7. Improved communication: Mediation can improve communication between parties, which can be especially valuable in cases where ongoing relationships are important.

8. Preserves relationships: Mediation can help preserve relationships between parties, which can be especially important in family disputes, business partnerships, or community conflicts.

9. Less stressful: Mediation can be less stressful than going to court, as the process is less formal and adversarial.

10. Better outcomes: Mediation can result in better outcomes for all parties involved, as it encourages collaboration and creative problem-solving rather than confrontation and legal battles.


Mediation Mistakes


5 reasons why I became a mediator